S. Worthen (owlfish) wrote,
S. Worthen

Amy Worthen

My mother, Amy Worthen, is a very talented artist, a printmaker and engraver. One of the real delights of growing up with her as my mother was that she would do things like engrave Valentine's Day cards for us. Once, when I was in junior high school and struggling what to decide to do for a class project, she bribed me into choosing the history of flutes paper I was considering with the promise that she'd make an engraving of my flute to go with it. And she did.

Anyways, it had been a long time since any of us had thought to look her up in a websearch, so it came as a great and wonderful surprise today to learn that her gallery has a lovely webpage devoted to her work. I've had friends ask off and on what her work looks like - now I have somewhere to send them! (Note: Scroll down past the first few Iowa Alphabet letters to have a more indicative sense of what her artwork is like.)

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