I've been meaning to rework the site into PubTAL for ages so that the whole thing was template and css based. Now that it is, it'll be easier to do a proper redesign of the site in the future. While I was at it, I added in the beginnings of webpages gathering together some of what I've written about food in the past; there's still a great deal of work to do on that part of the site, as I very gradually work back through my LJ posts and add tags to them. But the site as a whole is now much more legible. No more white-on-blue. It's now a very sensible black on white.
While I'm on the subject, it's been a while since I canvassed the world for new weblogs to add to the list. Sometimes bloggers will contact me with additions, sometimes I'll go out and trawl, but if there's a weblog I should be listing that I've thus far overlooked (your own or someone else's), please let me know.